Hey there,I’m Tiffany!

I Help Creative Women Like You Succeed On Etsy

Not so many years ago I was a new mom desperate for a career change that could bring me closer to home, but I had no idea how that could be possible. This is my story.

Hey there,
I’m Tiffany!

I Help Creative Women Like You Succeed On Etsy

Not so many years ago I was a new mom desperate for a career change that could bring me closer to home, but I had no idea how that could be possible. This is my story.

This is the girl, who started it all…

When she was just a newborn babe I felt the pull. It was a pull to be home, to have flexibility and to be in control of my days. I felt it, but I also felt helpless and without any idea of what to do about it. I had been in my career for over a decade, and while I was capable in it, I lacked a passion for it. What I knew for sure is that I wanted more from my life. It gnawed at me, this longing for more meaning, more time for what mattered and more passion in my life.

One year later I opened my 1st Etsy shop, Adoren Studio.

I listed my artwork that I had made for her nursery as digital downloads. To be honest I didn’t do it because I thought opening an Etsy shop was the answer to those internal longings. I did it on the advice of a financial planner who was a proponent of starting a “side hustle” if you had skills that would allow you to do so. So I did, with the expectation that I could make a few hundred dollars a month toward childcare costs.

But God had other plans for me, and that year (7 years ago) I got to be a part of something pretty magical. It was one part creative awakening and another part - the part I never saw coming - the open door to creative entrepreneurship thru Etsy.

Etsy was the door I never knew was there.

But if I had known, I would have thought it was locked to people like me.

Stuck people.

Artists at heart who kissed the idea of making art for a living goodbye a long, long time ago.

I had no idea the power of the Etsy platform to point the way home.

But it did. All the way home.

Over the coming years I was able to build a highly successful Etsy shop, grossing over 7 figures per year. It wasn’t always easy, but it was possible. And possible was enough to keep me going. I worked in the margins of my day job selling digitally and scaling my business until I made it all the way home, left my day job behind, and became a full time creative entrepreneur. Recently my husband and I were able to relocate our family back to my hometown where I longed to raise my kids and live more slowly - which had been but a pipe dream not so many years ago.

We have continued to expand our business on Etsy and beyond and also have opened new businesses. In early 2021 we launched our 2nd successful 7-figure Etsy shop, Heritage Sign Co, and recorded the process to help others see our formula for Etsy shop success.

I know what it’s like to be stuck.

I know what it’s like to feel like you don’t have the power to change things in your life. And I also know what it’s like to be completely wrong about that. On the heels of 2020, it was no secret that there were a lot of people who needed an open door, and maybe that door was Etsy. I thought that if I could help you open it, or even to see that it’s there, then that’s what I wanted to do. That’s when my work as an Etsy educator began.

x, Tiffany

To Guide & Empower Others To Have Etsy Success That Can Change Their Lives

Etsy is a large online marketplace that requires planning and strategy in order to succeed. Understanding how Etsy works is the 1st step to setting yourself up for success as a seller. Let’s get clear.

I know what it’s like to be a seller today on Etsy and to deal with the challenges and changes in the marketplace. I’m in it with you and I’m here to help share what works for me as a seasoned seller.

I’ve seen 1st hand the power that Etsy has to change your life. I love hearing about your wins and I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way.


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